Biographies - 13.06.2024

Jenny Clapp

Principal oboist Jenny Clapp graduated from The University of Waikato with a Bachelor of Music with First Class Honors in 2008, and a Masters of Music with First Class Honors in 2009. While at The University of Waikato Jenny studied with two of New Zealand’s finest oboists; Martin Lee and Robert Orr, and performed in master classes offered by Diana Doherty and Gordon Hunt.

Jenny was a recipient of the prestigious Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship throughout her studies, and received Blues Awards in 2006 - 2009 for her contribution to music nationally.

In 2010 Jenny relocated to Hobart in Australia and completed a Masters of Music through the University of Tasmania under the guidance of David Nuttall.

Jenny has performed for many orchestras around New Zealand as well as Australia, including The Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, Southern Sinfonia, Vector Wellington Orchestra, The Tasmania Discovery Orchestra, The Hobart Chamber Orchestra and Opus Chamber Orchestra.

Jenny moved to Christchurch in July of 2011 and was soon after appointed Principal Oboe of the CSO.

Proudly Sponsored by: Wroxton Inc.; Richard & Kate Burtt; Jenny May; Dame Adrienne Stewart DNZM, QSM, LittD (Hon)